Home Depot
VDOMDOORS 36 in. x 80 in. Single Panel Right-Hand/Inswing 4 Lites Tinted Glass Gray Finished Steel Prehung Front Door with Handle DEUX1105ED-GRE-36-RH
Your front door is your best defender. It protects you, your family, and your most valuable personal belongings from theft and damage. Furthermore, VDom Doors insulate your home from extreme weather conditions, as well as unwanted animals, insects, and dust from entering. Model - 1713 DeuxColor - Oak (light brown) Door thickness - 3-1/4 in. Frame thickness - 4 in. Exterior design - 3 horizontal strips. Vertical insert of the stainless steel parts on the top and bottom; frosted glass with clear glass strips in the middle. Coating of the door - Moisture resistant MDF layer 2/3 in., oak veneer. Interior design - 3 horizontal strips. Coating of the door - oak veneer. Hardware included:- Metal frame 4 in. thick - dimensions of the door with frame is 38 in. x 82 in.- Metal threshold.- Cylinder K2 Securemme.- Hinges Combi Arialdo.- Peephole Securemme.- Turnknob for lock.- Armor plate Securemme for the lock.- Stainless steel Handle.