Corner L Shaped Desk with File Drawers
Corner Desk with File DrawersBow Front L Shaped Desk with File DrawersQuality Office Furniture in Thick, Durable, Easy to Clean LaminatesOverall Footprint of L Shaped Desk is 71W x 95D x 29.5HDesk Components:(1) Desk Shell with Curved Corner 71W x 30-48D(1) Return/Side Desk Shell 47W x 24D(1) Desk Drawer Pedestal 15W x 22D x 28.5H(1) Personal File Drawer Pedestal 31W x 22D x 28.5HSelect if you want the Curved Corner on the Right or LeftThe 3-Drawer Pedestal is a Box-Box-File Drawer, or BBFThe 2-Drawer Pedestal is a File-File Drawer, or FFYou May Mix & Match Different Colored Desk Shells and Drawers.Laminate Finishes: Walnut, Natural Aspen, Espresso, Gray, Silver, Maple, Cherry, Mahogany, White.Drawers Ship Fully Assembled. Desk Shell Ships Unassembled.All measurements are estimates only and may vary slightly.