BXP P2/91 Fakro Non-Opening L-Shaped Combination Roof Window - 114 x 115cm
This is a non-opening L-Shaped combination window with a uValue of 1.3. Window meant to be installed where the roof meets a vertical wall and combined with roof windows of any type.
Window with innovative hardware.
Window BDL & BDR is equipped with tilt and turn opening system, which is opened by tilting up to a max. 12cm and by turning up to 90º. Both opening methods are performed with the use of one handle positioned on he side of the sash. The window comes with the lock as a standard enabling window locking. It can be opened to the right - BDR or to the left - BDL.
Window BVP is opened by tilting up to max, 12cm. The handle equipped with key is positioned on the upper part of the sash.
BXP is non-opening L-shaped combination window.